Distance Calculations

Navigate Worlds of Atlantis with these Helpful Statistics

General Statistics

  • 1 Nautical League = 3.45 Miles / 5.55 Km
  • An average fit human can walk 4 miles per hour or 1.15 Nautical Leagues
  • Kilometers to Miles: 1K = .18 Nautical League
  • View to the Horizon: d=3.57/h

o   Where d is in kilometres and h is height above ground level in metres.

o   Examples:

  • For an observer standing on the ground with h = 1.70 metres (5 ft 7 in), the horizon is at a distance of 4.7 kilometres (2.9 mi).
  • For an observer standing on the ground with h = 2 metres (6 ft 7 in), the horizon is at a distance of 5 kilometres (3.1 mi).
  • For an observer standing on a hill or tower of 100 metres (330 ft) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 36 kilometres (22 mi).



  • Horse with Cart or walking Horse and rider can travel a road 30 miles per day. 8.75 Nautical Leagues/ day.  10 Hour Day.
  • Fit Horse with rider can travel 50 miles per day at a trot or palfrey. 14.5 Nautical Leagues/ day.  10 Hour Day.

o   Exceptional horses bred for travel can travel twice this distance in a day.



  • A Dragon can fly top speed about 100 mph or 29 Nautical Leagues per Hour, with a long distance cruising speed of about half that and between 150 and 175 Leagues in a day, depending on urgency, altitude and breed of Dragon.
  • Greater spotted eagle can fly up to 50 leagues per day.
  • A messenger Pigeon flies on average 300 Nautical Leagues in a 24 hour period.



  • Ships sailing under favorable winds travel 5 knots per hour.

o   Ships sailing under unfavorable winds travel an average of 2.5 knots per hour.

  • 3.07 Nautical Leagues = 8 Nautical Miles
  • Sailing vessels average between 4 and 6 knots over open water, and 3 to 4 knots while working through islands or along coasts under favorable weather, wind and current conditions.

o   Sailing vessels average half or more of the above speeds when conditions are unfavorable.    Depending on how unfavorable the speeds can be anywhere in between 0 and 4 knots.

  • 1Kph = .38Lph or 9.21 Nautical Leagues per 24hour day
  • 2Kph = .77Lph or 18.41 Nautical Leagues per 24hour day
  • 3Kph = 1.15Lph or 27.62 Nautical Leagues per 24hour day
  • 4Kph = 1.53Lph or 36.82 Nautical Leagues per 24hour day
  • 5Kph = 1.92Lph or 46.03 Nautical Leagues per 24hour day
  • 6Kph = 2.30Lph or 55.24 Nautical Leagues per 24hour day
  • 7Kph = 2.69Lph or 64.44 Nautical Leagues per 24hour day
  • 8Kph = 3.07Lph or 73.65 Nautical Leagues per 24hour day
  • The type, shape, style and weight of a ship will also factor in heavily as some civilizations are capable of building better ships that others.
  • Warships under oars for short distances can “Charge” as fast as 8 knots
  • View to Horizon from ship: h = 20ft. (from deck inc. human height) approx. = 10 Nautical Leagues


  • Electrum – Blend of 45-55% Gold, some Silver and smaller amounts of Copper. It is usually pale yellow or yellowish-white in color.

o   Often used in coins and plating the top-cap of pyramids.

  • Orichalcum

o   Historical: A type of bronze or brass alloy with a shine of reddish tint.

o   In Worlds of Atlantis: A crystal that can be magically melted to give it certain qualities similar to metals.


Number Systems

The Romans used a base 12 (“duodecimal”) system for fractions. Multiplication and division are easier in base 12 than in base 10. A base 12 sytem has many more factors (1, 2, 3, 4, and 6). There are still remnants of the Romans’ duodecimal system in our measurement systems – such as our 12-hour, 60-minute clock.

Today, base 10 is the dominant number system, but in the ancient world it was anything but.

The Mayans used base 20. So did the ancient Celts and the Maori, while the ancient Egyptians in the Old Kingdom used a binary numeral system. In many ancient cultures, a base 5 system was typical and often the word for “5” was the same as the word for “hand” or “fist.”

Base 12 is the numbering system used by the Atlanteans, the Sylvan, Dvergr Dwarfs, and Tuatha De. Most of the human civilizations us the base 5 and 10.