Red Wizard Of Atlantis

Dark clouds gather on the horizon threatening the very fabric of civilization. Lurking unseen, an evil vile and treacherous spreads silently across the land. The peril is urgent and only living legends, and those who will become legends, have a chance to change the shadowy fate of what is to come.

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Dark clouds gather on the horizon threatening the very fabric of civilization. Lurking unseen, an evil vile and treacherous spreads silently across the land. The peril is urgent and only living legends, and those who will become legends, have a chance to change the shadowy fate of what is to come.

The Fire-Bringer, the High priest of Kronus, God of fire and blacksmiths, embarks on an expedition to rescue a beautiful demi-goddess from unspeakable evil and the promise of true love. Akakios is secure in his faith, wielding the power of flame imbued by his god, but is he up to the challenge? The consequences of his actions will test his convictions and release upon the world a vile evil that could shroud entire nations in eternal darkness.

Meanwhile, the rulers of the fabled City of Atlantis, the crown jewel of the Emerald Isle, bask placidly in the assurance of peace and prosperity so carefully maintained by their commanding influence over the civilized realms of the world, until now. The “Mad Bard’ has awakened from his long slumber by troubling visions, and an urgent Calling goes forth to gather the Assembly of Nine, the most powerful beings on the planet, to tell them what he has seen. However, it is too late, and his foretelling becomes a dire warning to heed the unnatural chill in the air that forebodes terrible events yet to unfold.

Among the first to experience these dark truths are Qel and his friend Havacian, two young Atlanteans only recently graduated from the Wizards Enclave. The friends travel out of Atlantis on a journey of ‘Discovery’ – a rite of passage for young wizards to test themselves outside of the sterile confines of the Enclave. They must learn to survive on their own and develop their skills under real-life conditions. And life gets very real for the pair, very fast. The inexperienced wizards will need to use every talent they have at their disposal and those they pick up along the way if they are to endure the storm that is gathering.


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AelrindelRokalyn (Aelrindel) – Light Elf Warrior, Master Archer. His father is a trusted advisor of the High King
Akakios – The ‘TaHiera’, High Priest of Kronos and the ‘Fire-Bringer’ responsible for dedicating forge and flame in Sesklo.
Anesidora – Daughter of Kronos and Metis. She is a demi-goddess with a wicked curiosity.
Chaos Demons -There are thirteen in number. The Child of Gold, Alseid, somehow trapped one that attempted to possess her.
CrellianRafkarSil – The ‘Watcher’. He was an Elven chronicler of the Third Age of the Golden Aspen.
Dagda-Dana Laghfrin - Tuatha De Wizard Queen of Falias in the North. Founding member of the ‘Five’.

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Dhroghan – Legendary Hero of the Tuatha De (deceased) and founding member of ‘The Five’.
Emperor Zamfer – Emperor of Atlantis one-thousand years ago (deceased). A founding member of the ‘Five’ that closed the rift between their world and the Infernal Planes and imprisoned the remaining demons in the Pithos that Metis produced.
Emperor Liltanian of House Atlas, Atlantis – Ruler of Atlantis. Formerly of House Straeter, he is known by most as simply King Liltan.
Empress Chartria of House Atlas, Atlantis – Wife to Emperor Liltanian. Her older sister, Secria, is the wife of Terrikan of House Elbian, Ambassador to Eridu in Kur-gal.

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Grand Wizard Tochthon – Highest authority of the Imperial Order of Wizards in Atlantis.
Havaciante of House Talika – Blue Wizard from Atlantis. His closest friend is Qel.
Hierophant Miltiades - Head Priest of the Temple of Kronos in the City-State of Seklos in Hella
High King RalnapianCalithIlon – Ruler of Avalon and the Sylvan (deceased). Founding member of ‘The Five’. Grandfather of the current ruler High King TatharonCalithilon.
High King TatharonCalithilon – “Willow Tree in the Moonlight” of Avalon, the Kingdom of the Elves and all of the Sylvan.
Hy-Brasil – The legendary home of Myrllin and Wodanaz gifted to them by the Tuatha De.

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Kronos - Patron of Sesklo, Deity of Blacksmiths, Artisans, Fire and Harvests.
Master Curatei of House Sevreckly - The Keeper of Records for the Imperial Order of Wizards. Master of Blue Wizards, mentor to Havacian.
Metis - Goddess of Wisdom
Mountain King, Brak Iron-teeth - Lord of the Dvergr Dwarfs (deceased) and founding member of ‘The Five’. Great grandfather of current ruler Mountain King, Sulyen the Breaker
Mountain King, Sulyen the Breaker – Lord of the Dvergr Dwarves in Tirnan Yog.
Myrllin – The Mad Bard, The Profit, The Sage, The Wizard of Hy-Brasil. Has the ability to foresee the future with varying degrees of clarity.

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He is a Powerful wizard with an obscure past. He lives in a castle on the mystical island of Hy-Brasil which is not always visible. When he is not needed he has the ability to hibernate without aging for hundreds of years at a time. He is the son of Dhroghan, a Legendary Hero of the Tuatha De and older brother to his twin Wodanaz.
Niamh – Nature Goddess of the Elves.
Nomios and Agreus – Brothers Paein who help Akakios find his way to the Shrine of Metis.
Qellel of House Mekali (Qel) – Red Wizard from Atlantis, youngest of three sisters and a brother. Their family is known for their prized production of Mekali Wine.

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Senjit - Golden Dragon. Married to the Nymph Queen Lysithea. They have a daughter, a Child of Gold, named Alseid. His mother was a Dragon named Findyl and his father was the God of Light, Aether. Senjit is known by many names throughout the world including – Huanglong by the Huaxia, Culebre by the Astriense, Ladon in Hella, The World Serpent by the Vikja, Usum by the Kur-gal, and The Earth Monster by the Olmec, among others.

Tephras Demon of Anger – Possesed the Ancient Black Dragon Belthagore.

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The Assembly of Nine – A group of nine of the most powerful being on the planet that come together every few decades to determine the course of world civilizations to maintain peace and resolve major disputes.
The Order of the FIVE – A legendary group of Explorers who came together to defend humanity against the evils and tyranny that plagued the world at the time.
Traegarlin – The Battle Wizard, “Exalted One”. A specialized group of the Imperial Order of Wizards in the City of Atlantis trained specifically for combat. They patrol the territory of Atlantis and act as part of the Emperor’s personal guard.

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TridiStrindricinia and VnaeStrindricina – Elves living in the village of Braetling, Avalon. They have a daughter, ToliaStrindricina (Tolia) and Vnae is the sister of AelrindelRokalyn. She is a Tree Whisperers, or Traetling, as was her mother. Tridi is an Elder of his village
Tudful – Underground guild facilitator and trafficker in the Lower City of Tintagel
Wodanaz – Wanderer, Minstrel, Poet, Entertainer, Seeker of Wisdom and Chronicler of the Fourth Age. He is the younger twin brother of Myrllin by one minute and son of Dhroghan, a Legendary Hero of the Tuatha De

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Behind the Story

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It was from the stars they came, out of the vast darkness of the Primeval Cosmos falling from the sky in a wingless creature consumed with fire and thunder, crashing to the earth and plowing a long rift upon it before coming to rest on the lush green grasslands. The beast lay shattered and bent, but still, they crawled through the smoke and death out of the bloodless remains and onto the land they would call their home. Although none could remember who they were or where they came from; they knew that they were alive. The silver sky-creature that brought them was dead, and they had no knowledge to heal it, and so they would have to stay. Thus they removed its shiny scales piece by piece to make their own shelters from its body while they buried their dead.

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They were a people determined to survive and make a place for themselves. From the entrails of the beast they also brought glowing red crystals. The crystals provided light and vibrated with a hum at a frequency that soothed them to their soul. Those crystals they carried to a safe place deep in the empty caverns of a long-dormant volcano on the coast of the Emerald Isle where they were soon to settle. Eventually, they would understand that these crystals gave them power and they endeavored to learn what they could of them.
In time they gave themselves a name. They called themselves the followers of a man called Atlantis, the one who lead them to this world and gave them new hope for a future. They made him their first emperor and would later name the city they founded after him. Those were the star-people that became known as the Atlanteans who dwelled in the place called Atlantis. And they thrived.

Recorded in the Third Age of the Golden Aspen by Watcher CrellianRafkarSil of Avalon

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First of all they bridged over the zones of sea which surrounded the ancient metropolis, making a road to and from the royal palace. And at the very beginning they built the palace in the habitation of the god and of their ancestors, which they continued to ornament in successive generations, every king surpassing the one who went before him to the utmost of his power, until they made the building a marvel to behold for size and for beauty. And beginning from the sea they bored a canal of three hundred feet in width and one hundred feet in depth and fifty stadia in length, which they carried through to the outermost zone, making a passage from the sea up to this, which became a harbour, and leaving an opening sufficient to enable the largest vessels to find ingress. Moreover, they divided at the bridges the zones of land which parted the zones of sea, leaving room for a single trireme to pass out of one zone into another,

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and they covered over the channels so as to leave a way underneath for the ships; for the banks were raised considerably above the water.

Now the largest of the zones into which a passage was cut from the sea was three stadia in breadth, and the zone of land which came next of equal breadth; but the next two zones, the one of water, the other of land, were two stadia, and the one which surrounded the central island was a stadium only in width. The island in which the palace was situated had a diameter of five stadia. All this including the zones and the bridge, which was the sixth part of a stadium in width, they surrounded by a stone wall on every side, placing towers and gates on the bridges where the sea passed in. The stone which was used in the work they quarried from underneath the centre island, and from underneath the zones, on the outer as well as the inner side.

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One kind was white, another black, and a third red, and as they quarried, they at the same time hollowed out double docks, having roofs formed out of the native rock. Some of their buildings were simple, but in others they put together different stones, varying the colour to please the eye, and to be a natural source of delight. The entire circuit of the wall, which went round the outermost zone, they covered with a coating of brass, and the circuit of the next wall they coated with tin, and the third, which encompassed the citadel, flashed with the red light of orichalcum.

From Plato’s Critias 360BCE, Translated by Benjamin Jowett

Explore 1 of 3


The Emerald Isle may be the home of the most advanced society on the planet, but it is by no means tame or even fully explored. The Atlanteans reign over a single mega-city and a vast territory that extends only a few leagues from the shores of the Emerald Isle, however, their influence is felt in every corner of developed and undeveloped civilizations world-wide. Despite their power, the Atlantean mission is to promote peace and prosperity among and between all peoples, and only in the most extreme circumstances do they become involved directly in another cultures advancement, religious beliefs or political agenda. In some lands they are worshiped as gods, in others they are respected advisors and still others see them somewhere in between. Above all, the Atlanteans are firm in their resolve to maintain their network of towers, pyramids and spires that serve as the constructs for the Orichalcum Crystals. These crystals are the source of their magic abilities, without which, the Atlantean Wizard would be severely handicapped.

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In every part of the world the Atlanteans extend their reach, except one . . . The Reptilian Kingdoms of Mu. Only here are the Atlanteans rejected without regard for their benefit, even to the point of murdering their envoys.

The Sylvan’s inhabit the northern quarter of the Isle and keep their lands restricted from entry by human populations. Even the Atlanteans are required to stay near the main roads and populated areas of the secluded nation of elves. Perhaps the druids are the only ones, besides themselves, that truly enjoy free reign to go about the country as they please. Notwithstanding, the elven nation of Avalon is a close ally and trade partner of the Atlanteans and they share common interest on nearly every issue.

West of Atlantis, near the coast, stretches the high elevations of the Atlas Mountains and the great, smoldering volcano known as the Ourea.

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South along the coast, all the way to the southern tip of the Isle there are almost no settlements at all.

Instead, the mountains and forests are home to Trolls, Ogres, the Great Roc and many other creatures big and small. This wilderness is considered part of the Atlantean territory, protected and patrolled regularly by the Battle Wizards. Nevertheless, the Atlanteans prefer to leave nature untouched and often warn foreign adventures and explorers of the dangers in the region. Still, hundreds are found dead or go missing every year. It seems the mysteries of the Emerald Isle are impossible to resist for those seeking their fortune and the Atlanteans often joke that there are more than enough humans to make up for the loss of a few in the wilderness.

Discovery 1 of 6

Discovery - Flight of the Roc

Soaring down from the high peaks of the Atlas mountain range on a cushion of warm air rising from the earth to meet the colder air of the altitude above him, the great winged beast flew with purpose. To view such a bird from a distance would barely warrant a second glance, for there were many eagles, hawks, and falcons that called the rocky crags and forests at elevation their territorial homes. This bird was different than the others and only when seen from closer vantage would one realize just how different. And almost always to the detriment of their lives. For this bird of flight was, in fact, no ordinary avian . . . It was a great Roc. At the very top of the food chain as far as birds go, the Roc was nearly the size of a mammoth, yet far more intelligent. So large and powerful they were capable of plucking up a full-grown hartebeest with their massive claws and suffocating the life out of them before they knew they were dead.

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Discovery - Flight of the Roc

The hartebeests were the Roc’s primary source of food, and they traveled in herds of thousands across the vast swaths of grassy plains which covered many hundreds of leagues of the Emerald Isle.

Today, as it did on so many days, the Roc was hunting hartebeests. Its mate was hungry and sitting on three eggs that would be hatching any day now, and it fell to him to provide for his growing family. The hartebeest herd was easy to follow once their trail was found, considering that they constantly moved as they grazed creating a shorter, darker column of grass behind them easily visible from the air. There were several herds of hartebeests on the island, as far north as the Sylvan forest. Usually, the Roc would merely choose the herd closest to its mountain roost. Today, however, the herds had all scattered away from the mountains, due to recent troll activity.

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Discovery - Flight of the Roc

Mountain Trolls were ghastly creatures that the Roc would often kill for pleasure or spite if he found one out in the open. He tried to eat one once, but their flesh was stringy and rancid. The herd he followed today brought him closer to the city of the two-legs. Normally, the Roc would steer clear of the two-legs. They had little meat, were not tasty to eat and would band together to defend themselves when attacked. The hartebeest was a much better choice that presented few challenges aside from their more substantial weight. The Roc did not fear the two-legs, and he knew the two-legs did not fear him. There seemed to be a natural understanding that neither would intentionally harm the other and rarely did their paths overlap.

The hartebeests were grazing about a league west of the two-legs city. Even from the low altitude, he flew, the Roc could clearly see the white stone of the two-legs structures illuminated by the late morning sun.

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Discovery - Flight of the Roc

The Roc had never been closer to their city, and for some reason he could not have explained, curiosity trumped instinct, and the Roc determined that it would fly over the city for a better look. The hartebeest would still be nearby when he returned, and he could snag one on his way home.

Gaining altitude, the Roc flew high over the two-legs city to avoid notice. Even if he was sighted, he doubted that the two-legs would regard him as anything more than a curiosity. As he climbed, the air became colder and felt crisp over his feathered wings. Once he gained enough altitude, he would be able to see the entire city from above and take it all in.

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Discovery - Flight of the Roc

Before him lay a wondrous city that glinted like polished silver against the deep blue of the Primal Sea. The main circular central island was nearly two leagues wide, elevated higher than the rest of the city and ringed by three circular land masses whose circumferences grew larger the further they were away from the center. Between the rings of land were wide canals nearly a quarter of a league in width, except for the outermost ring that was almost three leagues wide. Each of the land rings was roughly a quarter of a league in width and fully developed with gardens, residences, temples, and statuary. The island and its rings were situated within a wide natural inlet on the southeast coast of the continent affording additional protection against severe weather and flood surges. In stark contrast with the pristine white buildings rising above the land rings was the harbor beyond and the deep blue water of the Primal Sea.

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Discovery - Flight of the Roc

Circling higher above the city, The Roc’s exceedingly acute eyesight caught details on the ground that only others of his kind could appreciate – the two-legs moving this way and that in their city, riding on carriages or disks, sailing and rowing their ships in the canals between the land rings. So many of the two-legs going about their tasks like ants in an anthill. The Roc turned back west toward the hartebeest herd, he was impressed with the scale and beauty of the two-legs home and wondered if he would ever know what they called it. Flying south and west away from the city, the Roc resumed the search for his quarry. His mate must be restless by now, and he needed to hurry before she became angry. Sighting the hartebeest herd in the distance, he initiated his long dive. Soon he would be back at his roost with a plump meal and content mate. Life couldn’t be better for a creature such as he.



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