Journal of Wodanaz, The Wanderer – Red Wizard of Atlantis


Imperial Order of Wizards, Atlantis

The Imperial Order of Wizards, as the purveyors of magic are known in Atlantis, fancy themselves quite the organized and disciplined collection of intellectuals. Over the years I played for them and demonstrated my own sorcerous skills for their entertainment. Although they seemed decidedly unimpressed with each presentation, it felt more like a jealous acknowledgment of superior competence in a craft, which for them, was entirely dependent upon a bunch of rocks. I must admit, to their credit, that they were always quite polite about it!

                             Wodanaz, The Wanderer



Beautiful cities of white marble columns, grand fountains and life-like statuary are shrouded in clouds at high elevations as if to conceal their perfection of artistic expression. Indeed it is like strolling through a metropolis of the gods! Their stories and legends come alive in this land where creatures from mythology are spoken of as commonplace, and they reflect their culture through painted carvings on every space they can manage. True or not, the folklore seems real enough when one walks among them. I would have enjoyed seeing much more of the beauty of Hellas if it didn’t require the skills of a mountain goat to get to so much of it!

                             Wodanaz, The Wanderer



In the Enlightened Times, she was known as Anesidora, daughter of Metis and she was beloved by the gods. Her perfection was beauty, grace and prose and her elegance out-shown all above and below, yet none were jealous of so many flawless attributes. It was because her every perfection was a gift from one god or another and they all claimed a part in her form and making. What none of them knew was the depth of her cruelty as none of them thought to bestow compassion in her creation. And this pitiless vice she turned upon those weakest to defend themselves – humanity. By many names has she been known throughout the ages, once as Anesidora of Hellas and most recently as Pandora, yet her story is the same. And her fateful actions that altered the destiny of civilizations two thousand years before the Cataclysm of the Younger Dryas resonate still to this day.

  • Wodanaz, the Wanderer


The Hjaltadans

There is not much I care to say about the Hjaltadans (although there is much I could say about it) except one thing . . .What was I thinking? Everything always seems so much more clear in hindsight.

                             Wodanaz, The Wanderer


Avalon City

I have a natural affinity for the natural naturalness of the completely naturally.natural biological structures of Avalon City. Bah, enough of that! I would say such a city was beautiful if it wasn’t so amazing in its perpetual design and the centuries required to construct it. The astonishing abilities of the Traetling are evident in every aspect and form that no other magic or power could hope to duplicate. Avalon City is unique in so many ways that the only thing that could possibly make it better is if there weren’t so damn many trees! Naturally!

                             Wodanaz, The Wanderer

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