Journal of Wodanaz, The Wanderer – The Fallen


The Descant of Eriu as I performed it so long ago ne’er made a distinction between the Goddess and the Land – for both were one and the same. The Druids knew this truth dogmatic and lived well with nature and her blessings. Her name defined a promise of “abundance,” and it was so. An abundance of life, abundance of prosperity, and abundance of terrors, to be sure, and it was my fortune to experience every part of that asseveration. Of all the lands I have lived in and wandered, over more years than I care to remember, I miss her very nearly most of all.      

  • Wodanaz, the Wanderer





Dutiful in spirit, chivalrous to a fault, virtue, and honor define this land called Lyonesse. Rife with ballads and tales of good deeds, power, faith, and love, a vision and bloodline would be the lasting vestige of its legacy. Concerning this account I defer to Myrllin, for my time in such fabled acreage has been fleeting. The lack of corruption and brutal intrigue so certainly would have bored me to my death, until I found the greatest tragedy I would ever tell would be born from it.

  • Wodanaz, The Wanderer 


To almost everyone, even the most learned, the Tuatha De are an enigma. To visit their homeland, if one were permitted, would find a strange and extraordinary place filled with magic and wonder and people not so unlike any other. But their past is dark, and their future is driven by those they name the ‘Blood’; the few left pure and unadulterated. Sometimes I wish the Tuatha De was an enigma to me as well so I would not have to think too hard on what they have done. To everyone else in this grand world, beware of gifts from the Tuatha De, for they are not always what they seem.   

  • Wodanaz, The Wanderer                            

Tirnan Yog

There is something about an absurdly ugly people that are nearly as wide as they are tall that gives me pause, but that would be an unfair judgment of who they really are. I have sung the greatest ballads in their home under the mountain in Tirnan Yog and watched them weep, I have moved them with rousing melodies that made them dance, and I have whispered the sweetest love song and, well, their ladies don’t hold back their passion. For me, their greatest asset is their word as bond. I admire that above all else, and only the worst of them dare to ever break it.

  • Wodanaz, The Wanderer



I always wanted to get drunk with Leprechauns, at least that was a small dream of mine. I could imagine their feast hall teaming with the little buggers – dancing on the tables, jumping among the rafters, playing tricks like exploding mugs and sending fountains of mead bursting from barrels. But invariably I fear,  only to wake up and find that it was all an illusion and I had been robbed of everything down to my short clothes!

  • Wodanaz, the Wanderer



Elegant twisting spires with delicately carved soaring walkways between them, lush blooming gardens abundant with fountains and broad causeways interrupted by graceful arching bridges over rambling rivers.  This exceedingly beautiful and vain city is the personification of one of the most remarkably sophisticated women I have known at the height of her form with a dangerous bite to match. It is the passing of this Grand Dame that I mourn more than any other, and my ballads shall weep for her into eternity.

  • Wodanaz, the Wanderer


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